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Användarnamn: Joakim Leihed Photo
Ålder: 38 år
Bor: Hallands län
Kategori: Frilansfotograf
Började fotografera: 2005
Medlem sedan: 2010-10-28
Senast inloggad:

”Everything I shoot has to be unique and special. The viewers should get a WOW!-feeling when they see my pictures. That’s how I think before I start a project.”

Straight from the artsy and beautiful seaside city Halmstad, Sweden, comes Joakim Leihed, a young photographer with a unique talent. At the young age of 24, he has already developed a technique that he calls MFX (Magic Effect). This technique emphasizes drama in the pictures, using dramatic lighting and specific environments.

His pictures have already caught the attention of several artists and companies, such as Reebok, who wanted this look for Tobias Lindvall, one of their endorsed street dancers.

”My specialties are music and artist pictures, portraits and commercials. I don’t shoot MFX pictures only, but that’s where my inspiration and all my ideas come together.”